Tuesday, 9 July 2013

How To: Rescue Your Broken Makeup!

Hi girls! and guys...I don't judge. If I had a list of "Top things I'd hate to have broken" (what kind of weird list is that), naturally my heart would be #1 and next would be my makeup! Actually, next would be my phone, and then my laptop. Alright, my makeup would surely be somewhere up there. And lets face it, while rushing to get ready, being careful isn't always a priority. I must admit, I honestly don't know how and when I became such a girly girl, but whenever any of my makeup products fall, a little piece of my heart does too!

So after some digging, I found a very handy and common way to fix broken makeup. I tried it out on a bronzing powder and it worked great. In fact, I loved the outcome better than the original product, so much that I went a little crazy and actually purposely broke another bronzer of mine to repair it! Sorry bronzer...

Lets repair some makeup!

Here is what you'll need:

  1. Rubbing alcohol (or similar, once containing a very high alcohol content)
  2. A spoon as well as something to crush your makeup ( I opted for a nail tool)

*Water is a no-no
*Make sure to cleanse your tools with the rubbing alcohol before using them

My lovely work of art

1. Remove all the product from the pan and empty into the compact. If your compact isn't as deep as mine, a small bowl may be better for the next few steps.

 2. With your tool of choice, crush the product into very fine particles.

3. Pour some of the rubbing alcohol onto your spoon and add to your product. Repeat this step until there is enough liquid to create a paste.

4. With the spoon, begin to mix the product together with the rubbing alcohol until it forms a paste.

* If you chose to use a bowl for the previous steps, now you can empty the product back into the compact.

5. Again, using the spoon, smooth the product as neatly as possible. It's really hard to get it perfect, so if you're OCD like me, really try to chill for this step.

6. Now set your makeup aside to dry and you're done! 

*With a cotton round and some rubbing alcohol you can clean around the compact

From left: NYC Sun 'n' Bronze Bronzing Powder #707 Fire Island Tan & Revlon ColorStay Mineral  Bronzer  #040 Golden Bronze

Enjoy using your renewed makeup!

Finished product

Colour payoff (these bronzers are much lighter than they appear in the compact and I mostly use them for highlighting)

I hope you found this easy to follow and possibly helped you refrain from re-purchasing makeup. I actually find repairing broken makeup fun and easy. As a plus, it does not take very long to dry, so that's great if you're impatient like me!

Thank you so much for your time!

Be sure to



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