Sunday, 23 June 2013

My First Blog Post! + Haul

It's the beginning of my "blogging life", well, how else do I phrase that? It's 10:05 pm and I'm tired but way too excited to put this off till a next day...or night. As every girl my age, or young lady (bleh), I'm sucked in the world of beauty and fashion, and honestly, pretending to be my personal makeup artist and creating a voice over in my head explaining everything I'm putting on my face (and neck...NEVER forget the neck) is simply not enough. I am in no way a professional makeup artist, but with YouTube and the hundreds of beauty gurus, try telling a girl that! So please, enjoy my, what I like to call, "beautybyanoobwhichcantotallypassasfabulous". Okay, I just made that up. Heh.

I recently had my occasional visit to SuperPharm, what I refer to as a trini Walgreens or CVS, and naturally returned home with a bag of totally unnecessary yet completely fulfilling items. I know this is neither new nor unusual for a girl *ahem*, young lady like me. Actually, for anyone with a bosom know. You cannot simply waltz, trot, skip, pop-in to SuperPharm and buy ONLY what you went for, or nothing at all.  That being said, you know what time it is... Haul time, HAUL time, HAULLL TIMEEEE *in weird guys' voice from Blue's Clues*. No, not Steve.

An overview of everything I picked up

Biore deep cleasing pore strips, finally!

Maybelline lipsticks that I bought

From left:
  • Maybelline NY Colour Whisper #85 Berry Ready
  • Maybelline NY Colour Whisper #45 Who Wore It Red-er
  • Maybelline NY Super Stay 14 hr Lipstick #030 Never Ending Nude
  • Maybelline NY Super Stay 14 hr Lipstick #020 Eternal Rose

 Revlon products I purchased...(featuring weirdly positioned fingers)

From left:
  • Revlon Eyelash Culer
  • Revlon Lash Potion by Grow Luscious - Volume & Length Mascara
  • Revlon Brow Fantasy in Dark Brown
  • Revlon Photo Ready Concealer in Medium Deep

Thank you for spending time reading my blog

I look forward to your comments

Let me know what you'd like me to talk about next!

 <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. Simply great!! Will be tuning In everyday to see your blogs! Some color swatches and reviews will be great!

    1. Thank you! Swatches and reviews coming up!

  2. awesome elise:) i want reviews to know if i should get them lol.........cant wait for more:)

    1. Thank you! I will be sure to do reviews

  3. Nice job Lisse... Keep at it...would love to know what .product worked for you

  4. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets nessa

    1. Thank you! I will definitely check out your blog and follow you!

  5. Thank you so much for the follow,dear.^^
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Hope you visit my blog again...

  6. Nice post!!! would you like to follow each other?
    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

    1. Thank you! y definitivamente, I would certainly check out your blog and follow you!
      xo Els

  7. OUTSTANDING!!!!!! Great job eli!!! ♥Ari
