Tuesday, 25 June 2013

How I Clean My Makeup Brushes

Hello everyone! Good day, or night, depending on when you're reading this. I really feel like a blogger now since I can't stop thinking of things to talk about here...But that's a good thing, right? Today I said enough was enough, I MUST clean my makeup brushes! I try to do this as often as I can as it is so very important, especially for those who have acne prone skin like me. What a joy right? And unless dirty makeup brushes are the cure for cancer, it will continue to be an essential routine of mine.

So I thought, why not share my "makeup brushes cleansing routine". I like to think of it as a facial for my brushes, except there is no high frequency machine involved...and a lot of other things. Okay, I'll rethink that analogy.

Lets get into it!

I chose my Eco Tools blush brush for this demonstration.

Scribbles showcasing the ecotools blush brush. (He's quite the photogenic type isn't he)

Here is what I use:

  • A facial cleanser, specifically one which lathers well. (I use a facial cleanser rather than any other soap because I am very acne prone and I like to use something that I can also use on my face.)
  • A cup (of course anything likewise would work)
  • My brush (duhhhhh) *Check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ for duhhhh reference at 1:30*

Olay acne control face wash, cup and blush brush

Firstly, I dispense some of the cleanser into the cup and add water till it's halfway filled .

This soapy water is the result

Then I vigorously  swish and swirl the brush in the cup. For a thorough job I also scrub the brush against my palm or with my fingers. I previously used a bar of soap and swirled the brush on it as that works great. However I realized a facial cleanser would be better for me because of all that acne stuff. There are facial bar soaps out there like Simple and Neutrogena, but I just use what I have. Additionally, the face wash I am using is a deep cleansing, oil-free and residue free formula so it is perfect for an intense cleaning, removing all dirt, oil, makeup and other fuzz on my brush and leaving it with zero residual.

Wow my brush was dirty. Check that colour!

I make sure an thoroughly clean. No bristle left behind!

After I fully rinse my brush and squeeze out the excess water, this is what I'm left with. I then leave it to dry on a clean paper towel.

Funky looking but clean!

To re-acquire the initial shape, I gently brush it against my palm (with clean hands) back and forth till it retains it's fluffy texture. I do this while it is damp as well as when it is close to completely dried. I absolutely love how this method works and in the end leaves me with a clean, soft brush, just like it was when I  bought it!

My blush brush is finally clean!

Note: the brush was still damp when I took the after picture


Thank you everyone who took the time to read my blog

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Sunday, 23 June 2013

My First Blog Post! + Haul

It's the beginning of my "blogging life", well, how else do I phrase that? It's 10:05 pm and I'm tired but way too excited to put this off till a next day...or night. As every girl my age, or young lady (bleh), I'm sucked in the world of beauty and fashion, and honestly, pretending to be my personal makeup artist and creating a voice over in my head explaining everything I'm putting on my face (and neck...NEVER forget the neck) is simply not enough. I am in no way a professional makeup artist, but with YouTube and the hundreds of beauty gurus, try telling a girl that! So please, enjoy my, what I like to call, "beautybyanoobwhichcantotallypassasfabulous". Okay, I just made that up. Heh.

I recently had my occasional visit to SuperPharm, what I refer to as a trini Walgreens or CVS, and naturally returned home with a bag of totally unnecessary yet completely fulfilling items. I know this is neither new nor unusual for a girl *ahem*, young lady like me. Actually, for anyone with a bosom and...you know. You cannot simply waltz, trot, skip, pop-in to SuperPharm and buy ONLY what you went for, or nothing at all.  That being said, you know what time it is... Haul time, HAUL time, HAULLL TIMEEEE *in weird guys' voice from Blue's Clues*. No, not Steve.

An overview of everything I picked up

Biore deep cleasing pore strips, finally!

Maybelline lipsticks that I bought

From left:
  • Maybelline NY Colour Whisper #85 Berry Ready
  • Maybelline NY Colour Whisper #45 Who Wore It Red-er
  • Maybelline NY Super Stay 14 hr Lipstick #030 Never Ending Nude
  • Maybelline NY Super Stay 14 hr Lipstick #020 Eternal Rose

 Revlon products I purchased...(featuring weirdly positioned fingers)

From left:
  • Revlon Eyelash Culer
  • Revlon Lash Potion by Grow Luscious - Volume & Length Mascara
  • Revlon Brow Fantasy in Dark Brown
  • Revlon Photo Ready Concealer in Medium Deep

Thank you for spending time reading my blog

I look forward to your comments

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